Conquer your fear of prospecting, a Christmas present

Hi Everyone

To all my fabulous clients and friends who have journeyed with me since SIP was relaunched in 2008

Another year of selling comes to a close and before our focus turns to some well earned rest and time with families

I’d like to offer you a Christmas gift to make a difference to your sales results in 2012.

How to conquer your fear of prospecting.  See the link is at end of this post.

This video is just a taste of what is happening when we recoil from prospecting and how to train ourselves to conquer that. As business people we are all selling ourselves and prospecting is the single biggest issue limiting our sales results, followed closely by closing. If you, or one of your staff would really like to conquer this or any other fears you have associated with selling once and for all I run personalised Coaching programs which cost $4,500 +GST and costs in the privacy of serviced offices so you don’t have to expose any of your vulnerable bits to family or staff.

Let’s book you now for January or Feb before the New Year gets away from you.

I can also run small team 1 day version to conquer the common fears that a sales team experiences for the same rate plus facility costs.

Have a fabulous Christmas and a very prosperous New Year

If you’d rather download the video Right click on the link below and choose “Save link as…” (or similar) to save the video file to your computer.
Download – Emotions in Selling : Part 5 by Maya Saric here

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