Welcome to recruitment for sales staff Sales Inventory Profile or SIP style. You will notice our adverts are totally different from the average job vacancy. At SIP recruitment we have a fundamentally better way to recruit sales staff and the first step is to attract better candidates by having better adverts. All of these adverts have been professionally written for our clients.
Why a SIP advert is so powerful?
- We write emotionally engaging adverts that paint a fuller picture of why the candidate will want to work here.
- We present a career opportunity to attract candidates who are planning a career not just after yet another job.
- Our client’s corporate identity is fully visible to the candidate so that they know who they are applying too and no-one is wasting time. Candidates are not applying to fictitious roles. Companies are receiving applications from candidates interested specifically in their role.
How to order a SIP advert for your sales role?
To find out how we can help your business send us an email at maya@salesinventoryprofile.com
How to apply for a SIP job
If you are interested in a new role in sales you are welcome to apply too these jobs. For each role, the instructions on how to do that are included at the end of each advert. Your application and details will only appear to that one company and not be visible to any other client.
What if you wish to apply for another SIP job?
When you first apply you will register at the SIP website and create a username and password for yourself. Please save this, so you can come back to apply for other jobs later. You will see that each job has a unique job code called a PRK.
If you wish to apply to a new job with a different PRK, there is no need to register again. Log in at the top right-hand side of the SIP website. Enter the new PRK on the ‘My Account’ page which will appear once you are successfully logged in.